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  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025 8:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    National Research Report from the Johnson Center, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together

    In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S. explores the transformative impact of collective giving on philanthropy. Practiced in cultures all around the world, collective giving brings people together to pool their resources, including time, talent, treasure, testimony, and ties — often referred to as the 5Ts. Groups like giving circles, SVP chapters, giving projects, and nonprofit-led circles have long served as democratic and philanthropic learning hubs — bringing historically marginalized voices into philanthropic decision-making spaces, challenging preconceived notions of who is considered a philanthropist, and elevating members as integral actors in our sector’s efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in giving.

    A partnership between the Johnson Center, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together, this report underscores collective giving groups’ role in reshaping philanthropic practices, fostering social connections, and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.

    Read the report

    Front cover of the report

  • Thursday, February 06, 2025 6:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are looking forward to our upcoming 2026 Philanos National Conference - PowerUP! Texas in Austin

    With more than 300 women attending, representing circles throughout the country - we'll be sharing best practices for advocacy, sponsorships, membership recruitment, member engagement, grant making and so much more. 

    We'll "See You in Austin"!

    - Sandy Cook, Clare O'Brien, and Ann Marie McGee, PowerUP! Texas National Conference Co-Chairs

    Conference Overview

    “PowerUP! Texas: The Spark Igniting Collaboration” is Philanos’ 3-day national Conference for visionary leaders in women's collective giving who believe in the power of women’s collective giving to create impact in local communities.

    • As the largest network of women’s collective giving groups, Philanos represents over 105 giving circles whose 21,500+ members have cumulatively granted $253 million in their local communities. 
    • Attendees will be a national audience of more than 300 giving circle leaders and members, philanthropic advisors, and practitioners of trust-based and intentional philanthropy.
    • Regional giving circles and networks of philanthropic organizations will join forces to host this event with the theme of “collaboration”.

    Conference Sponsors

    • It takes a special individual, business, or organization to understand the value of investing in the national women's collective giving movement by sponsoring the Philanos PowerUP! Texas 2026 National Conference. Interested in sponsoring the conference? Contact us at

    Conference Agenda

    • Breakout sessions will address best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving as well as trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.
    • Our speakers will address the power of collaborative grantmaking, best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving, and trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.

  • Thursday, February 06, 2025 6:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February 6, 2025


    Philanos is committed to creating an environment that is welcoming and inclusive for all of our Philanos Affiliates, their members and partners.

    Our webinar on February 11th at 12 PM ET, "Courageous Conversations", will feature Rosetta Lee, a nationally-known educator on this topic. Rosetta previously presented at the Philanos 2020 National Conference in Seattle. She has also worked with our Philanos Board over the past year to improve our capacities to engage in dialogue with individuals who have different perspectives, life experiences and identities. Her insights and tools have enabled us to grow as individuals and leaders.  

    We hope our Philanos Affiliates will also benefit from Rosetta's wisdom, empathy and guidance as they support their own grantees and work to build stronger and more trusting relationships in their communities. Registration for this webinar closes February 9. Register now!

    Sandy Cook, 
    Clare O'Brien, 
    Ann Marie McGee,

    Philanos Events

    Philanos News & Resources

    • Philanos PowerUP! 2026 Conference - As we begin the new year we are excited to announce our next PowerUP! Texas National Conference in Austin, February 8-10, 2026 - stay tuned for more details soon!

    • Philanos Affiliate Handbook The new 2025 Philanos Affiliate Handbook is an easy-to-navigate guide to all things Philanos! Direct links to online resources make the Handbook an indispensable companion and roadmap to the Philanos website and Affiliate Portal. While the Handbook is designed to support giving circle leaders in successfully managing their Affiliate's Philanos relationship, members at large will also find it a valuable guide. Learn more 
    • Philanos Affiliate Action Item - Please take a few minutes to help us better support you and your giving circle! Our first survey since 2018, will help us understand what issues are top of mind for you and what resources you find most valuable - or wish were available - in addressing major challenges and opportunities. Please share our input by completing our survey before February 9, 2025. Take the survey 

    • Philanos Partner Events Save the Date! We Give Summit 2025: May 13-15, 2025! Get ready for three days of inspiration, learning, and connection with members of collective giving groups, community leaders, philanthropy experts, and social impact newcomers from around the world. Philanos is proud to continue to partner with Philanthropy Together on this great event and have two Board members serving on the Steering Committee. Learn more

    • Philanos Affiliate Resource - How to practice high impact giving year-round? The Center for High Impact Philanthropy's annual giving toolkit provides individual donors and professional grantmakers with actionable guidance for high impact giving year-round. Learn more

    Philanos Affiliates in the News

    • Philanos Affiliates in the News - Learn how Philanos Affiliates are driving change through local grants, impactful partnerships and women's empowerment - collective giving that's having an impact on local communities throughout the country. Read more

      • 5 Ways Philanos Can Highlight Your Efforts! Have you made a new round of grants? Did you host an event recently? Are you Partnering with others on a project? Are you celebrating an anniversary? Were you highlighted in the media? Let us know at and we'll help to spread the word! Learn more 

    • Monday, January 27, 2025 8:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      Save the Date: May 13-15, 2025!

      Get ready for three days of inspiration, learning, and connection with members of collective giving groups, community leaders, philanthropy experts, and social impact newcomers from around the world, led by our partners at Philanthropy Together.

      This year’s agenda will be centered around the the theme Thrive Together.

      Philanos is proud to continue to partner with Philanthropy Together on this great event, and to have two  Board Members serving on the Steering Committee.

      Registration opens March 2025 - please plan to join us!

    • Monday, January 27, 2025 8:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      The  new 2025 Philanos Affiliate Handbook is an easy-to-navigate guide to all things Philanos.

      Key sections include:

      • Philanos programs and resources
      • Affiliate expectations and tips for getting the most out of your Philanos affiliation
      • Board, board committee, and staff directory
      • Branding and communications tools, including sample language for use in emails and social media
      • Illustrated instructions for accessing the Philanos Affiliate Portal
      • Detailed guide to managing member accounts
      • And more!
      Download the 2025 Philanos Affiliate Handbook here

      Direct links to online resources make the Handbook an indispensable companion and roadmap to the Philanos website and Affiliate Portal.

      While the Handbook is designed to support giving circle leaders in successfully managing their Affiliate’s Philanos relationship, members at large will also find it a valuable guide.

      The Affiliate Engagement Committee will update the Handbook annually. The Committee welcomes your feedback and suggestions at

    • Monday, January 27, 2025 7:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      We are proud to provide resources for Philanos Affiliates from our partner organizations:

      The Center for High Impact Philanthropy’s annual giving toolkit provides individual donors and professional grantmakers with actionable guidance for high impact giving year-round.

      We include a practical guide on what high impact philanthropy really means and four high-level strategies to help you practice it, no matter what cause or geographic community you care about. To illustrate how high impact philanthropy can be practiced across issue areas, we profile twelve exemplars with potential to achieve high impact and share lessons learned that can be applied in your own community.

    • Friday, January 17, 2025 7:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      Please take a few minutes to help us better support you and your giving circle!

      The brief survey linked below—our first since 2018—will help us understand what issues are top of mind for you and what resources you find most valuable—or wish were available—in addressing major challenges and opportunities. 

      Share your input by completing our survey before February 9, 2025.

      Please encourage all members of your circle to complete our survey. This email can be forwarded to all of your members. Every opinion is important to us. If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to Affiliate Engagement Co-Chair Mary Kwak at


      Thank you for your assistance and for your commitment to the fastest growing form of philanthropy today–collective giving!

      With thanks,

      Sandy Cook, 
      Clare O'Brien, 
      Ann Marie McGee, 
      Philanos Co-Chairs

    • Sunday, January 12, 2025 5:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      Save the Date for the PowerUP! Texas Philanos National Conference in Austin, February 8-10, 2026!

    • Friday, December 20, 2024 12:54 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

      As 2025 begins, we are preparing to build upon the significant achievements of the past year. In 2024, Philanos deepened its impact through innovative programs and strategic growth, setting the stage for a transformative year ahead.

      We will continue to build on collaboration through CircleUPs, our cross-regional initiatives, strengthening collective resources and amplifying community impact. Philanos will also continue to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion by expanding our presence in underserved areas and offer resources through our Affinity Groups that empower members to create more equitable grantmaking processes. Philanos is committed to strengthening the power of collective philanthropy to address systemic inequities.

      Strategic planning continues to be a priority for us as we continue the work done by the Philanos board for the past year. Through newly focused initiatives and programs, we remain committed to amplifying the voices of women philanthropists and inspire innovative solutions to funding community challenges.

      Our strategic planning efforts are preparing the way for a year of renewal and innovation in 2025. Key priorities include using technology to enhance collaboration among affiliates, launching initiatives to attract younger members, and expanding its advocacy for the women-led philanthropic movement. By fostering a culture of learning and change, Philanos aims to inspire Philanos Affiliates to dream bigger and act boldly.

      Philanos is especially excited about beginning to plan our upcoming PowerUP! Texas conference February, 2026. We hope to See You in Austin!

      With our legacy of collaboration and impact, Philanos is ready to transform 2025 into a year of meaningful action and growth. The power of collective giving creates a more equitable and empowered future for all.

    • Friday, December 20, 2024 12:36 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

      Collective giving benefits not only the nonprofits that receive grants from giving circles, but it also directly improves the wellbeing of giving circle members. A recent report examining the thriving collective giving movement in the US says 55 percent of its survey respondents said their participation in collective giving positively impacts their ability to live a healthy life -- physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. 

      Among the hundreds of Philanos members who took part in the study, 50 percent said their participation in a collective giving group has had a positive impact on their ability to lead a healthy life. And an impressive 75 percent of Philanos members said their participation allowed them to live life with purpose - closely corresponding to the 77 percent of overall survey respondents who said the same. 

      A majority of Philanos respondents also said being involved in a collective giving group gave them more confidence in speaking up and trying to make positive changes in their communities.

      The report, In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S, was issued in April of 2024, and examined many aspects of the collective giving movement. 

      Please rate the impact that participation in any of the collective giving groups of which you are/have been a member has had on your:

      Many of the more than 2,000 respondents nationwide said they find mutual support for navigating life’s challenges through their giving circles. The In Abundance report quotes Jackie Griffin of COLA Gives of South Carolina, who says she has become good friends with her fellow giving circle members. 

      “We have learned to support each other,” Jackie says. “Yes, it’s about helping others. However, if we don't take care of ourselves, we’re not in any shape or condition to help others. This keeps us mentally grounded and sane, so as a giving circle, we can help each other as well as others.”

      More than 80 percent of the survey respondents said they initially joined a giving circle to amplify their philanthropic impact by pooling resources with others. Many Philanos respondents also said they wanted to build relationships with others who shared similar values or identities and to form connections within their communities. 

      Please rate the following statements around why you decided to join the first collective giving group of which you were/are a member:

      Giving circle participants say they found a profound sense of purpose and belonging once they began their engagement with the giving circles. It enriches their personal and professional lives -- with 56 percent of Philanos respondents saying they have been able to expand or strengthen their personal and professional networks. 

      Select up to four benefits you have experienced as a result of participating in any of the collective giving groups of which you are/have been a member:

      One survey participant summed up her feelings by saying people are changed by being part of a giving circle. 

      Masha V. Chernyak, former Senior Vice President at the Latino Community Foundation, San Francisco, California, says, “The most important is a sense of hope that things can get better when you participate. People are so nervous to begin or start something or join something new. When they do they feel connected to something greater than themselves that changes them, that changes everybody involved.”

      In February’s eNewsletter, we’ll look at the diversifying make-up of philanthropists, thanks to the growing trend of collective giving.

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