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AE is responsible for welcoming prospective new member organizations, registration and orientation of new affiliate organizations, managing the stewardship of current affiliates, as well as executing the Network’s outreach and recruitment strategies related to recruitment of new affiliates. The management and maintenance accuracy of the affiliate data base is the responsibility of this committee. This committee includes individuals from our affiliates.

Affiliate Engagement Committee

Comms develops and implements public relations and communication plans to support the mission of the Network. The committee also develops materials such as newsletters, press packets, materials and communications supporting our affiliates, presentations, and the entire Network’s published materials including conference materials. The Committee also oversees the content of the Network’s website. This committee includes individuals from our affiliates.

Communications Committee

Development focuses on the external connections with the philanthropic community including prospective funders. Outreach plans developed by the board will be executed by a coordinated effort between this committee, Communications, and Affiliate Engagement.

Development Committee

Education is responsible for determining educational themes, which are woven through conferences and customized programs. This committee plans, evaluates, and recruits presenters for the content of monthly programs via conference call or webinar. It also works in concert with conference host to develop content in line with the educational theme on behalf of the Board. This committee includes individuals from our affiliates.

Education Committee

Exec is outlined in the bylaws, and usually includes the board’s officers – president, vice president, treasurer and secretary, and may include the past president, as well as the organization’s executive director. The executive committee answers to the entire governing body and is bound by the board’s voting power and the provisions of its organizing documents.

Executive Committee

Finance Committee

Governance – is an advisor to the Board and makes recommendations regarding its due diligence function related to the fiduciary responsibilities; strategic planning; succession planning; development and operation of the board, committees and task forces; and performance of both individual board members and the board as a whole, ensuring effective governance of the Network. The committee reviews/revises the governing documents at least every two years, executes an annual board survey and recommends committee � Last Revised May 16, 2021 Page 2 structure changes as needed. The committee also forecasts the leadership needs of the Board and its committees, conducting an annual nomination process for directors and officers. The number of participants on this Committee is defined by the Network’s bylaws and includes individuals from our affiliates who have been nominated.

Governance Committee

Technology Committee

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