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  • Friday, July 05, 2024 6:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Meet the Philanos 2024-2025 Board of Directors

    View Bios Here

    • Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County, MD
    • Susan Benford, The Philanthropy Connection, MA
    • Nina Cohen, Impact100 South Jersey, NJ
    • Amy Conard, Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund, MO
    • Sandy Cook, Impact100 Metro Denver, CO & Women’s Giving Alliance of Northeast Florida
    • Stephanie Cook, San Diego Women’s Foundation, CA
    • Alisa Evans Debnam, Women’s Giving Circle of Cumberland County, NC
    • Maggie Glasgow, Greenville Women Giving, SC
    • Renee Gordon, Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle, MD
    • Michelle Hynes, ninety-nine girlfriends, OR
    • Heather Jauregui, Idaho Women’s Charitable Foundation, ID
    • Mary Kwak, Many Hands, DC
    • Ann Marie McGee, Impact 100 Redwood Circle, CA
    • Clare O’Brien, Impact 100 Cincinnati, OH
    • Maureen Romito, Impact Las Vegas, NV
    • Renuka Sastri, 100 Women Strong at Central Florida Foundation, FL
    • Kirsten Stanley, Impact 100 Palm Beach County, FL
    • Barb Van Winkle, Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County, MD
    • Tyeshia “Ty” Wilson, HERitage Giving Fund, TX
    • Sarah F Wimberley, Impact100 Philadelphia, PA

    Philanos Governance Committee:

    • Maureen Romito, Impact Las Vegas, NV
    • Renuka Sastri, 100 Women Strong at Central Florida Foundation, FL
    • Nina Cohen, Impact100 South Jersey, NJ
    • Celeste Campos, Impact 100 Garden State, NJ
    • Margo Greenfield, Impact 100 Essex, NJ
    • Kimberly Kirn, Impact100 Philadelphia, PA

  • Tuesday, July 02, 2024 6:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Good Reads 

  • Monday, July 01, 2024 6:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    "Learning what other organizations have done and what has made those initiatives successful or not. It's been most helpful to learn the why, how and results, rather than simply about an effort or change. It's difficult to assess whether it's something to consider for our organization without additional background."

    Click to view details

    Apply Now

  • Sunday, June 30, 2024 6:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • Friday, June 14, 2024 6:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • Monday, June 03, 2024 11:02 AM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    We had a terrific Philanos Webinar on Tuesday, May 14 entitled “Philanos and Collective Giving: Women’s Leadership and Recent Trends” - thanks to all who joined us!

    Philanos Co-Chair Sandy Cook mentioned that Philanos is the leading national women’s giving circle network and our focus is to catalyze – marshal, mobilize, and accelerate – the women’s collective giving movement through connecting, learning, and peer-to-peer sharing.

    She provided a snapshot of who and what we represent:

    •  Philanos is a network of 90+ giving circles across the US and Australia that have collectively invested over $232 million in their local communities
    • Through our giving circle network we have over 20,000 women philanthropists involved in Philanos, a force to be reckoned with!
    • Philanos members live in 22 of the 25 largest metro areas, and
    •  Our network members have estimated household incomes, returns with charitable deductions, and average donations that are roughly twice the national averages.

    In short, we have more to give so we give twice as much!

    Sandy highlighted how what we do affects YOU, our affiliates.

    • With ongoing opportunities to network with national affiliate members through meetings, private issue-focused groups, and our PowerUp! Conference.
    • With learning from and sharing with other affiliates in monthly webinars and bi-monthly affinity groups including Comms Club, Tech Talk, Membership Roundtable and A Table For Chairs, solely for women leading a circle.
    • By providing access to resources in our Affiliate Forum about all aspects of growing and maintaining giving circles, grantmaking practices and issue areas such as including next gen philanthropists.
    • By encouraging organizations to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion because we know that inclusive organizations minimize bias and make decisions better able to tackle systemic inequities.

    Philanos Co-Chair Maggie Glasgow then introduced our 2024-2025 Board of Directors and Governance Committee, and thanked our outgoing Board Members Ellan Bernstein and Deborah Majewski. 

    She mentioned that our Board of Directors is composed of women from diverse backgrounds, lived experiences, collective giving groups, and come from different parts of the country.

    And, she noted that the faces of this team represent the very essence of our focus on new initiatives here at Philanos and that we have recently expanded our board to engage more women from across the country, welcoming more diverse faces, voices and experiences in our movement and at our growing philanthropic leadership table.

    Incoming Philanos Co-Chair Clare O’Brien shared the excitement and success to date for our work funded by Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund - a three-year, $405,000 operating grant that has been awarded to Philanos. Clare mentioned that we are thrilled at the opportunities this will provide to us, our affiliates and members, and that our partner organizations have also received funding: Philanthropy Together, the Community Investment Network, and Grapevine.

    She said that this phenomenal grant will strengthen Philanos and enable us to continue advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in collective giving, work collaboratively with BIPOC communities and engage more younger people in philanthropy. Clare mentioned that we are honored to partner with Fidelity Charitable to increase the flow of philanthropic dollars to underserved populations. This includes both BIPOC communities nationwide and a regional focus on the Mountain West and the South Central regions of the US. These 16 states receive only 1/3rd of the philanthropic dollars per capita compared to the coasts and we aspire to reduce this inequity by expanding collective giving in those regions - important work!

    And, Ilyasah N Shabazz of Philanthropy Together, a global initiative to grow the collective giving movement, joined us to discuss trends in Philanthropy that directly relate to you as a Philanos Affiliate and giving circle member from “In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S.”, the newly-released national research report from the Johnson Center, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together.

    All of our speakers elaborated on how all of this benefits YOU - our affiliates and individual members. We look forward to all that we will continue to do, together. Watch the recorded version.

  • Monday, June 03, 2024 9:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Volunteers are the lifeblood of our giving circles, our communities and because of that, the wider world. 

    The contributions of volunteers – the giving of time, treasure, talent, ties and testimony – is so valuable that the month of April is dedicated to honoring volunteers globally. Philanos decided to set aside June to honor our “local” Philanos volunteers - our board and committee members and the women of our Philanos Affiliates. 

    The work of each and every volunteer in your circle is priceless

    Whether it’s serving on the Board, heading or serving on a committee, planning events, or cheerfully greeting the members at functions. You have women who gladly give their treasure, women who give selflessly of their time and talents, women who will use their personal networks to find new members, or speakers, or sponsors; and women who will use their voice and their platforms to tell others about the work you are doing and the communities you are trying to serve. 

    Through meaningful engagement, many of these same women will find ways to give more – to help nonprofits you’ve funded with extra dollars, offer extra time and talent, serve up additional ties and expand networks, and perhaps even board service for a nonprofit organization they have bonded with through your giving circle. 

    Some affiliate leaders and members also go on to volunteer here on the Philanos board and in other ways.

    So many women give their time, talent, and treasure to support Philanos. Whether serving on the Philanos Board or its committees, or helping the network host national conferences, offering educational and leadership resources, or foster connections and peer learning between and among our 90+ circles - the generosity and willingness to serve our organization is humbling. 

    Two such leaders are Ellan Bernstein and Deborah Majewski.

    Ellan (Impact100 Philadelphia and Giving Circle of Women's Connection Philadelphia Chapter) and Deborah (Women’s Impact Fund of Charlotte) are rolling off the Board at the end of this month, and we’d like to recognize their exceptional volunteer contributions to the network. 

    Both Ellan and Deborah have been engaged and early leaders of their organizations, and both have been involved with hosting a national conference in their hometown. Both have done their Philanos board work while holding down full-time jobs in demanding careers – Ellan as a practicing attorney, and Deborah as a finance officer and, more recently, as Senior Program Officer at The Leon Levine Foundation. Ellan has served on our Executive Committee as Board Secretary, and she and Deborah have co-chaired the Education Committee. Their wisdom,  counsel, grace and good humor are treasures that will be missed.

    And, we want to thank Maggie Glasgow, who has served as our co-Chair the last two years. We are so grateful Maggie will continue to share her wisdom on our Board of Directors!

    Perhaps our ultimate volunteer role model in this network is Colleen S. Willoughby.

    Colleen is one of the five founders of the Washington Women’s Foundation, as well as a founding member of the 8 giving circle leaders who formed the Women’s Collective Giving Grantmaking Network (WCGN), now Philanos. Our signature award for a visionary woman leader in philanthropy is named The Willoughby Award in her honor. Colleen believed in and brought women to the table to make decisions and a difference in the male-dominated world of philanthropy. This month Colleen will turn 90 on June 28th, and all of us at Philanos wish her a very happy birthday! We are indebted to her hard work and belief in women’s leadership in philanthropy.

    Enjoy the summer days – and thank your lucky stars for volunteering!

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024 3:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 28, 2024

    By Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz and Ann Marie McGee, Philanos Communications Committee Co-Chairs

    We had a terrific Philanos Comms Club Affinity Group meeting today, where we discussed fun and meaningful opportunities to engage circle members throughout the summer.

    Participants connected, learned, and shared ideas and efforts today, and together, we were able to identify 25 Summer Member Engagement Ideas.

    Take a look - what are YOU hoping to do this summer to engage members? Let us know and we'll compile and share the enhanced list!

    25 Summer Member Engagement Ideas

    1. Summer Reading List Question - "What is Your Philanthropic Beach Read This Summer?"
    2. Summer Book Club - Ongoing List of “Must Reads" Based on Answers
    3. Summer Social Events - Non-Business Meet Up at Local Concerts, Museums, Restaurants
    4. Summer Athletic Activities - Group Hike, Pickleball Team, Walk
    5. Summer Group Volunteer Activity - General in the Community with Members
    6. Summer Group Project - Group Project for a Grantee Partner
    7. Summer Tours - Ongoing Tours to Grantee Partners 
    8. Summer Family Project - Effort Geared for Families to Engage Children
    9. Summer Wish List Project - Highlight and Fulfill Grantee Partner Wish Lists
    10. Summer Coffees - Hosted by Circle Leadership to Engage/Educate Current Members
    11. Summer Happy Hours - Hosted by Circle Leadership to Engage/Educate Current and New Members
    12. Summer Group Fundraisers - Group Fundraiser for a Specific Circle Project
    13. Summer Product Drive - Circle Effort to Collect Can Goods, Books, Feminine Hygiene Products
    14. Summer Individual Fundraisers - Individual Facebook Fundraiser on Behalf of Birthday, Special Milestone, etc. 
    15. Summer History Series - "Did You Know" Series of Posts/Weekly Social Graphic to Provide Circle History and Stats
    16. Summer Grantee Partner Series - Weekly Social Graphic Update on Latest Grantee Partners
    17. Summer Education Series - Virtual or In-Person Speakers on Issues the Circle is Funding
    18. Summer Leadership Series - Weekly Social Graphic/Video Clip Highlighting Circle Leaders
    19. Summer Calendar Series - Ongoing Calendar Updates for Summer and Fall Events
    20. Summer Film Series - Regular Postings of the Past Year's Webinars/Virtual Events
    21. Summer Guest Blogs - Series of Guest Blog Posts by Circle Members
    22. Summer New Member Spotlight - Weekly Circle Member Spotlight
    23. Summer End of Year Round Up - Publish End of Year Summary and Highlight Sections Weekly on Social Media
    24. Summer Raffle - eNewsletter Sign Up to Win Raffle Item
    25. Summer Photo Contest - Summer Trip Photo w/Circle Shirt, Logo, etc.

    Everyone noted that all member engagement ideas have a communications component and opportunity, and that many of the ideas below aren't just for Summer! We also discussed using the downtime this summer to better organize social media pages, community outreach marketing items, and experiment with posting and other forms of communication.

    Enjoy your summer and your fun and meaningful communication and engagement efforts to your members - we'll look forward to hearing how your efforts are doing. 

    The next Philanos Comms Club will meet on July 23, 2024 at 12 pm ET - see you then!

  • Thursday, April 18, 2024 2:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Many Hands was thrilled to celebrate their 20th anniversary on April 12, 2024 at Hogan Lovells with members, friends, and grantees. In this short video, released at the event, founding board members share what they set out to achieve and grantees talk about the difference Many Hands has made for their work.

    View the video here

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