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Philanos -  "Staff Chat" Affinity Group

Philanos Affiliate "Staff Chat" is a confidential forum for affiliate giving circle paid staff-only to share ideas, challenges and expertise.

We meet on the Thursday of each month to learn, share, network, and connect on topics ranging from education ideas, to DEI efforts, to staff-only time and the importance to an organization's overall health.

Affiliates are encouraged to share upcoming Staff Chat details and registration information with your professional staff.

"Staff Chat" is a great way to network with others across the country who are facing similar issues, challenges, and successes each day - join us!

2024 Meetings:

September 19
October 17
November 21

Upcoming Staff Chat Events

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© 2014-2024 Philanos is the leading national women's giving circle network.  All rights reserved.
Philanos is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #46-3953482.  Privacy Policy

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