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Board Members Retire June 30, 2022

Gwen Wesley
Spirit of St. Louis Women's Fund, MO

Gwen came to the Philanos Board, and the Board went to her because of her expertise in strategic planning.  Founder Vicki Sheehan was instrumental in this match, and they both are members of Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund.  Gwen came on the board in 2019 to craft a strategic plan during a period of rebranding and renewal, and six months into her work, the pandemic hit.  

Gwen describes her three years as a board member as a “humbling experience.”  Because of the factors above, the strategic planning process took longer to complete than she first anticipated, but it was obviously needed and necessary.   While somewhat surprised by the length of time needed to complete the full project with a national team working virtually, Gwen shared that being part of this group of smart women who listened carefully, participated in and supported her efforts, was uplifting.  She was also amazed to meet other women across the country who got involved in her committee and worked on it, fully buying into the process.  There was a level of cross-pollination for this plan that deliberately included the varied committees focused on the work of this national network.

She is proudest of her work on our “We are stronger together”  statement and felt that the board adopting this statement solidified the “heart of who we are.”  She felt our statement of solidarity in the summer of 2021 reflected on our values and shows that we (Philanos) stand on who we say we are.

She noted that being on the board during a time of upheaval and change led her to believe that the board has come through their rebranding, the pandemic, and the backdrop of the social justice movement to a better place.  She feels that she leaves a board that is bringing open hearts and open minds, as well as listening ears and ready hands to the changes coming about in women’s philanthropy.

In looking forward, Gwen feels that Philanos will realize its role as a partner with other collectives and networks, and that our contributions on the national level will be felt regionally and locally.  She hopes that our messaging will be consistent across all groups, even while our focus remains on women’s collective giving.  She hopes to see more diverse partnerships that focus equitably.  She also sees our network becoming more involved in the advocacy piece – taking full advantage of a collective of women across the country to work on a prioritized list of philanthropic issues.  She acknowledges we need to build trust on all sides to advocate for something together – but wonders if we can take full advantage of the ability we have to do this, and to make lasting change.

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