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Philanos Statements of Unity

Declaration of Unity 
May 18, 2021

We are stronger together.  

No member of our society should ever feel threatened, or invisible, or devalued, or experience acts of violence. All people deserve to live full and abundant lives free of prejudice, discrimination, and oppression.

We are stronger together.

Every characteristic that makes an individual unique—height, weight, physical and mental ability, eye color, ethnicity, education, gender, race, geographic location, religious preference, sexual orientation, and more—is an asset if we choose to believe that. 

We are stronger together.

Our vision is that communities in which women’s collective giving organizations exist are healthier, safer, more equitable, and thriving.  This vision can be our community’s reality.

We are stronger together.

We are committed to equity, diversity, collaboration, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability because therein lies our strength.

We are stronger together.

Philanos supports philanthropy which is anti-racist and anti-bias through education, resource sharing, training, and open and honest discussions. 

We are stronger together.

Philanos encourages affiliates to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their grantmaking, and to fund organizations whose leadership includes the population they serve in order to recognize and value lived experience. 

We are stronger together. 

Women know the power of collaboration and that we are stronger when we advocate for our vision together.  Philanos accelerates this collaboration with our affiliates, partner networks and fellow philanthropists.

We are stronger together.

Statement of Solidarity with Asian American Communities 
March 19, 2021

In the wake of Tuesday night’s Atlanta shootings, our hearts go out to our sisters at Asian Women’s Giving Circle, and to the many members of our other affiliates who have themselves, along with family, colleagues and friends, been targeted by increased anti-Asian hate in the last year. Yet again, the divisions in our society translate into life and death matters: of the 8 murdered in Atlanta, 6 were Asian women. The 150% rise in anti-Asian incidents across our country is directly attributable to language that is racist, hateful and spews inaccurate information about the origin of Covid-19. This attitude is embedded in a long history of discrimination against Asians. Too often, violence and attacks toward and against Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) communities remain unrecognized and ignored, largely due to the racist “model minority” stigma attached to these populations.

Allyship matters. Language matters. And language evolves. In reviewing the DEI statement we made last summer after the extra-judicial murders of so many Black citizens, including George Floyd, we now realize that Philanos made no reference to Asian American and Pacific Islanders, Latinx or Indigenous people. We are profoundly sorry. While we work to broaden the statement, we wanted to assure our affiliates that we stand firmly in solidarity with all Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, firmly against hate speech or action in any form. 

As a network, we will use our voice to help drive change and support the path to healing. See our latest anti-Asian hate resources on our Topics webpage.

*Thank you to members Clare O’Brien (Impact100 Cincinnati), Hali Lee (Asian American Giving Circle) and Philanos affiliates whose experiences and wisdom helped inform this statement.

Anti-Racism Statement 
June 12, 2020

Our hearts are broken by the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and too many other Black Americans who have lost their lives, their loved ones, their innocence and their opportunity to live a full and abundant life as a result of prejudice and discrimination. Philanos stands in solidarity, actively affirming that Black lives always have and always will matter. 

As a network, we will use our voice to help drive change and support the path to healing.  The crisis borne of systemic racism demands our actions to create a more equitable and just society for every member in our communities.   If we are not part of the solution -- as anti-racists -- we are part of the problem of racism, discrimination, and violence that has seriously hindered forward movement within our society. 

Philanos supports affiliates that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their philanthropy.  We are committed to equity, diversity, collaboration, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability because all people deserve to live full and abundant lives free of prejudice, discrimination and oppression.

Our work to educate and support women’s collective giving organizations in their anti-racist philanthropy is accomplished through resource sharing and open and honest discussion. Women understand the power of collaboration and that we are stronger when we advocate together.  We will engage in this work with our affiliates, partner networks and fellow philanthropists.

*Thank you to our affiliate, Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund for collaboration on our statement.

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© 2014-2025  Philanos is the leading national women's giving circle network.  All rights reserved.
Philanos is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #46-3953482 

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