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  • Tuesday, October 01, 2024 5:53 AM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    Philanos launched a Young Philanthropist cohort on September 13. Scheduled to run for three consecutive Friday sessions, this cohort explored the how-tos for affiliates interested in starting a younger cohort and affiliates looking for ideas to maintain and expand their already existing younger cohorts. 

    Youth philanthropy is when young people give their time, talent, money, and connections to help create social change. Youth philanthropy programs typically provide money and mentorship to young people to learn about giving, issues, and fundraising for nonprofit organizations addressing those issues.

    “We were excited to offer this new opportunity to our affiliates to engage young philanthropists across the country” said Ann Marie McGee, Philanos co-Chair. 

    The first session of the Philanos Young Philanthropist cohort focused on the experience of Impact 100 Cincinnati in establishing a younger cohort and keeping it alive for more than 10 years. Catherine O’Shea, the current YP Liaison for Impact 100 Cincinnati, described the program, which began in 2014, and presented a comprehensive slideshow that could easily serve as a tool box for Affiliates interested in starting a young cohort. It was inspiring to hear the many ways in which both the younger cohort and existing members of Impact 100 Cincinnati have benefited.

    Catherine joined the second session of the YP Cohort on September 20 along with Kathy Thornton from Impact 100 Cincinnati. Together they presented the Elements for a Successful YP Program focusing on ways to create a welcoming environment and understanding the preferences and constraints of women under the age of 40. Catherine and Kathy also discussed the benefits that Impact 100 Cincinnati has experienced in starting a YP cohort, namely, the opportunity to diversify membership and the opportunity to build the next generation of philanthropists.

    In the third and final session, Affiliates with existing YP programs discussed their programs. Attendees heard about membership subsidies, recruiting efforts, application models, number of YP members accepted in a single year and overall number of YP members. Most of the YP Programs include separate events for YP members and some require YP members to sit on a committee.

    ​​​"The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County is nurturing youth philanthropists through our Break the Cycle Period Product Drive and Mini Give effort", says Paula Seabright, WGC's Break the Cycle Chair. "Participating in the Philanos Young Philanthropist cohort has been invaluable for us because we had an opportunity to learn, share, connect, and network with other giving circles across the country who are investing in young philanthropists as well and I am walking away with many new resources, contacts, and ideas to grow our effort here in Maryland." 

    Attendees agreed to meet in late January to follow up with each other on their YP program planning.

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024 6:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As part of our Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund grant, we are partnering with Philanthropy Together, Grapevine and Community Investment Network to offer regional events CircleUp Events across the country. 

    • Giving circles are changing communities around the world. Imagine the power and impact of teaming up with others in this growing movement — in regional areas — with shared values and a commitment to making the world a better place.

    • CircleUps bring together giving circle members in the area for networking, learning and fun!

    • Discussion areas typically focus on all aspects of giving circle : Membership Engagement, Telling your Story, Grantmaking, Community Leadership and Preparing Future Giving Circle Leaders.

    • CircleUp Socials are a great way to connect with fellow members and supporters of collective giving groups in your local community. 

    • Philanos and Philanthropy Together are also working in partnership with networks, foundations, and giving circles in each region to co-host CircleUps, including the Community Investment Network and Grapevine, and we are always looking for additional partners as each CircleUp develops.

    "We are proud to collaborate with our philanthropy partners, the Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund and local groups to elevate awareness of collective giving, and to drive more funding to community-based organizations." said Clare O'Brien, Philanos Co-Chair. "We are excited for the learning, sharing and relationship-building that will continue at CircleUp gatherings in the coming year and we hope many Philanos Affiliates will join us!"

    Upcoming CircleUp Gatherings:

    Follow us for updates on upcoming CircleUps held in the Mountain West and Central South regions. We're proud to work alongside these groups to elevate awareness on collective giving and move more dollars to community-based organizations across the US. 

    • CircleUp Jackson, MS - 10/2
    • CircleUp Missoula, MT - 10/21
    • CircleUp Phoenix, AZ - 10/29
    • CircleUp Nashville, TN - 11/12

    Recent CircleUp Gatherings:

    • CircleUp Denver - 4/11
    • CircleUp Las Vegas - 8/29
    • CircleUp Boise, ID -  9/12

    Learn more here!

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024 7:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Help spread the word - it’s Give to Women & Girls Day!

    Two years ago the Women & Girls Index launched Give to Women & Girls Day, a groundbreaking effort to increase funding for women’s and girls’ organizations. 

    Why do we need a day for giving to women’s and girls’ organizations? 

    While nearly 50,000 organizations are dedicated to women and girls across the United States, the WGI consistently shows that less than 2% of total charitable giving goes to these organizations.

    The Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) launched Give to Women and Girls Day, a national awareness campaign to increase funding for women’s and girls’ organizations. This groundbreaking collaborative effort brings together hundreds of women’s and girls’ nonprofit organizations and leading partners including Philanos, Giving Tuesday, Ms. Foundation, Philanthropy Together, Schusterman Family Philanthropies, Together Women Rise, United Nations Foundation, Vital Voices, and Women Moving Millions alongside WPI to raise awareness and galvanize philanthropic support for women and girls.

    This year, on October 11th, 2024, coinciding with International Day of the Girl, the Women & Girls Index will be raising awareness and encouraging donations to organizations committed to improving the lives and opportunities for women and girls.

    Why is Philanos involved? 

    “We believe it is critical that we increase funding for women’s and girls’ organizations if we’re going to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world” says Ann Marie McGee, Philanos co-Chair. “Collective giving creates a foundation for accelerating and ultimately sustaining women and girls philanthropy.”

    How can you/your circle get involved?

    Here are 5 ways Philanos Affiliates might participate in “Give to Women and Girls Day” 2024:

    • Participate in the conversation - like and comment on #GiveToWomenAndGirls posts to help make it trend online 

    • Help spread the word - share other’s information on your circle’s website, on social media, and in your eNewsletters

    • Post about the importance of the day - write a blog post and share to and through your networks

    • Fundraise for a program of your circle - host a fundraiser on October 11 to support your circle

    • Give a gift to your circle - give a gift to your circle and promote it on October 11

    All of our work deserves more investment. Let’s help continue the conversation that translates into more dollars going to women and girls organizations.

    Together, we can grow philanthropy dedicated to women and girls!

  • Friday, September 13, 2024 8:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 12, 2024

    Philanos hosts a variety of virtual events throughout the year for you - our affiliates. Our monthly Webinars and Affinity Group gatherings provide opportunities to bring together women from Philanos Affiliates across the country to network, learn, share, and connect about topics that support your important work. Your Philanos membership includes these ongoing opportunities for you AND all members of your giving circle and we encourage you to forward this information regularly to your members so you can take full advantage of your Philanos membership. Thank you for being a part of our growing women's collective giving network - we truly are stronger together.

    Register today and we'll see you soon!

    ICYMI Recently Recorded Events

  • Thursday, September 05, 2024 5:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    And all of a sudden, Fall is around the corner! 

    An important Philanos commitment to all Philanos Affiliates is to seek out opportunities for innovation. This Fall, we are thrilled to begin our 2024-2025 Philanos Educational Webinar Series with some innovative membership ideas. Register today for our September 10 Webinar, "Evolving Membership Models: How Two Collective Giving Organizations are Moving Membership Forward" at 12 pm ET to learn from two Philanos Affiliates how they evolved their membership models to engage and expand their total membership.

    Also during September, we are launching a 3-session Philanos Young Philanthropist Cohort. While applications for this cohort are now closed, we look forward to sharing highlights with each of you in October. Learn more here.

    Our Philanos CircleUp Regional Events continue at an unbelievable pace. With successful events behind us for Denver and Las Vegas, we are eagerly looking ahead: Boise, ID (September 12), Reno, NV (September 26), Jackson, MS (October 2), Missoula, MT (October 21), Phoenix, AZ (October 29) and Nashville, TN (November 12). Details will be on the Philanos website as they become available and invitations are being sent out directly to local contacts. As part of our Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund Grant, we are very fortunate to be engaging through a  collaborative partnership with Philanthropy Together, Community Investment Network and Grapevine. Learn more here.

    Finally, our two newest Affinity Groups launch this Fall! The Philanos Staff Chat Affinity Group will meet on September 19, and the Philanos Grantmaking Affinity Group will meet on October 23. These Affinity Groups join our successful Comms Club, Membership Roundtable and Tech Talk Affinity Groups. All Philanos Affinity Groups provide a wonderful way to engage members of your circle’s leadership team and committees who want new and innovative ideas. Each offers an interactive opportunity to Connect, Learn and Share and are open to all individual members of our Philanos Affiliates. Learn more here.

    We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events - we truly are stronger together!

    Sandy Cook, 
    Clare O'Brien,
    Ann Marie McGee,
    Philanos Co-Chairs

  • Wednesday, September 04, 2024 5:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 5:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Philanos August Wrap-up, Links to Last Month's Highlights

    Have you watched any past webinars or PowerUP! Baltimore sessions this summer? 

  • Monday, July 15, 2024 6:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • Sunday, July 14, 2024 6:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Philanos to Promote Affiliates in Global Giving Circle Directory

    Heads up to all Philanos Affiliate Leaders and Bundle Coordinators. Watch for an important email on July 8th.

    Philanos and Grapevine are partnering to include all of our Philanos Affiliates in the Global Giving Circle Directory, a directory of 4000 giving circles. This Directory has a prominent placement on many popular philanthropy sites, including Grapevine, Philanthropy Together, Charity Navigator and Giving Compass.

    Why is this important to you as a Philanos Affiliate?

    Affiliates will enjoy greater visibility thereby increasing contacts with individuals who are interested in joining a giving circle. In addition, nonprofits seeking grants can find local giving circles.

    Each affiliate’s listing will be consistent, and provide key information such as location, size, focus, website links and more. This data helps us accurately represent what Philanos Affiliates are doing!

    Philanos will begin updating this information using data already collected from our annual update process, which will save Philanos Affiliates time and effort and most importantly, ensure full and accurate representation.

    Thank you in advance for your support! Watch for the email. Questions? Email Mary Kwak

  • Sunday, July 14, 2024 6:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy 4th of July!

    We have so many new things to share within our Philanos Network:

    • Philanos Board: July 1st begins the terms for both our 2024-2025 Board of Directors and members of our Governance Committee. We are so grateful for the skills, perspectives and deep commitment to collective giving that each of these women brings to Philanos. Take a moment and read more about our board in the bios on our website. See the links below.
    • Philanos Programming: During the summer, the board is working hard on next year’s programming and resources for all members of Philanos Affiliates. Watch the August eNews for registration information for our first September webinar on September 12, 2024 at 12 PM ET.  
    • Philanos Affinity Groups: A special thank you and appreciation to everyone who has participated in our past Affinity Groups: Comms Club, Membership Roundtable and Tech Talk. The interactive format has proven to be successful and supportive of members of all Philanos Affiliates. These will continue in full force for 2024-2025 with the addition of an Affinity Group focused on grantmaking and a cohort dedicated to increasing the representation of Young Philanthropists.
    • Philanos "A Table For Chairs": Applications are now being accepted for our third “A Table for Chairs” cohort. Past cohorts have found camaraderie, support, fresh ideas, a sounding board and friendship with other leaders from across the country. If you are a Philanos Affiliate leader serving as President, Co-President, Chair or Co-Chair, please consider joining this group. Space is limited and there is a commitment for monthly meetings. An application link is below. 
    • Philanos Partnering on CircleUP Events: As part of our Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund grant, we are partnering with Philanthropy Together, Grapevine and Community Investment Network to offer a schedule of CircleUP! Events across the country. The next events will be in Las Vegas on August 29 and Boise on September 12. Additional opportunities to connect, learn and share.

    We wish each of you a celebration today and for the coming year. We are stronger and bolder together!

    Sandy Cook, 
    Clare O'Brien,
    Ann Marie McGee,
    Philanos Co-Chairs

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