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  • Sunday, January 12, 2025 5:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Save the Date for the PowerUP! Texas Philanos National Conference in Austin, February 8-10, 2026!

  • Friday, December 20, 2024 12:54 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    As 2025 begins, we are preparing to build upon the significant achievements of the past year. In 2024, Philanos deepened its impact through innovative programs and strategic growth, setting the stage for a transformative year ahead.

    We will continue to build on collaboration through CircleUPs, our cross-regional initiatives, strengthening collective resources and amplifying community impact. Philanos will also continue to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion by expanding our presence in underserved areas and offer resources through our Affinity Groups that empower members to create more equitable grantmaking processes. Philanos is committed to strengthening the power of collective philanthropy to address systemic inequities.

    Strategic planning continues to be a priority for us as we continue the work done by the Philanos board for the past year. Through newly focused initiatives and programs, we remain committed to amplifying the voices of women philanthropists and inspire innovative solutions to funding community challenges.

    Our strategic planning efforts are preparing the way for a year of renewal and innovation in 2025. Key priorities include using technology to enhance collaboration among affiliates, launching initiatives to attract younger members, and expanding its advocacy for the women-led philanthropic movement. By fostering a culture of learning and change, Philanos aims to inspire Philanos Affiliates to dream bigger and act boldly.

    Philanos is especially excited about beginning to plan our upcoming PowerUP! Texas conference February, 2026. We hope to See You in Austin!

    With our legacy of collaboration and impact, Philanos is ready to transform 2025 into a year of meaningful action and growth. The power of collective giving creates a more equitable and empowered future for all.

  • Friday, December 20, 2024 12:36 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    Collective giving benefits not only the nonprofits that receive grants from giving circles, but it also directly improves the wellbeing of giving circle members. A recent report examining the thriving collective giving movement in the US says 55 percent of its survey respondents said their participation in collective giving positively impacts their ability to live a healthy life -- physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. 

    Among the hundreds of Philanos members who took part in the study, 50 percent said their participation in a collective giving group has had a positive impact on their ability to lead a healthy life. And an impressive 75 percent of Philanos members said their participation allowed them to live life with purpose - closely corresponding to the 77 percent of overall survey respondents who said the same. 

    A majority of Philanos respondents also said being involved in a collective giving group gave them more confidence in speaking up and trying to make positive changes in their communities.

    The report, In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S, was issued in April of 2024, and examined many aspects of the collective giving movement. 

    Please rate the impact that participation in any of the collective giving groups of which you are/have been a member has had on your:

    Many of the more than 2,000 respondents nationwide said they find mutual support for navigating life’s challenges through their giving circles. The In Abundance report quotes Jackie Griffin of COLA Gives of South Carolina, who says she has become good friends with her fellow giving circle members. 

    “We have learned to support each other,” Jackie says. “Yes, it’s about helping others. However, if we don't take care of ourselves, we’re not in any shape or condition to help others. This keeps us mentally grounded and sane, so as a giving circle, we can help each other as well as others.”

    More than 80 percent of the survey respondents said they initially joined a giving circle to amplify their philanthropic impact by pooling resources with others. Many Philanos respondents also said they wanted to build relationships with others who shared similar values or identities and to form connections within their communities. 

    Please rate the following statements around why you decided to join the first collective giving group of which you were/are a member:

    Giving circle participants say they found a profound sense of purpose and belonging once they began their engagement with the giving circles. It enriches their personal and professional lives -- with 56 percent of Philanos respondents saying they have been able to expand or strengthen their personal and professional networks. 

    Select up to four benefits you have experienced as a result of participating in any of the collective giving groups of which you are/have been a member:

    One survey participant summed up her feelings by saying people are changed by being part of a giving circle. 

    Masha V. Chernyak, former Senior Vice President at the Latino Community Foundation, San Francisco, California, says, “The most important is a sense of hope that things can get better when you participate. People are so nervous to begin or start something or join something new. When they do they feel connected to something greater than themselves that changes them, that changes everybody involved.”

    In February’s eNewsletter, we’ll look at the diversifying make-up of philanthropists, thanks to the growing trend of collective giving.

  • Wednesday, December 04, 2024 4:03 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    Philanos’ mission is to support and strengthen women's collective giving organizations through education and collaboration designed to promote women's philanthropy and informed, impactful grantmaking in communities.

    We’ve had a successful year catalyzing the women’s collective giving movement by connecting women's giving circles and providing support, resources, events, peer-to-peer sharing, and educational programming.

    Here are 10 highlights of our collective efforts this year:

    1. Philanos Affiliate Membership Growth – We’ve grown to 100+ affiliate members around the country and internationally collectively learning and sharing to strengthen our network.

    2. Philanos Affiliate Collective Giving Growth – Our 100+ affiliates have collectively given over $232M in their local communities since their inception.

    3. Philanos Leadership Growth – We have 3 new Board members and 11 new committee members helping to lead and grow our organization for the future.

    4. Philanos Collective Learning – We hosted 8 webinars that focused on membership, communication, governance, and grantmaking and that had an overall attendance of 700+. 

    5. Philanos Collective Sharing – We have 5 Affinity groups that held over 12 gatherings throughout the year that encouraged interaction among over 500 affiliate peers.

    6. Philanos Collective Celebrating – We continue to celebrate the groundbreaking work of Colleen S. Willoughby through our Willoughby Award. Nominations close by Feb. 1 - nominate a woman who is a changemaker in your community!

    7. Philanos Partnership with the Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund - We continue to expand our work through our Fidelity Catalyst Fund partnership, which has enhanced our efforts to engage new affiliates, enhance our organizational partnerships, and grow collective giving among BIPOC groups in under-funded areas across the country, which includes much of the work outlined below. 

    8. Philanos Communities of Practice – We had 16 Philanos Affiliates who participated in our Young Philanthropist Cohort that met 3 times to learn and share together, and will meet again in 2025.

    9. Philanos CircleUps - We partnered with Philanthropy Together, Grapevine, the Community Investment Network, and many local organizations to host seven CircleUps around the country that brought over 380 funders, nonprofit leaders and donors together to encourage the growth of giving circles.

    10. Philanos Network Collaboration Growth– We continue to partner with local, regional, and national networks and their members to support and grow collaborative giving, including new network partners: Latino Giving Circle Network®, Rose Community Foundation, and the Arizona Community Foundation.

    We look forward to continued learning, sharing, collaborating, celebrating, partnership and growth as we focus on building and supporting the women’s collective giving movement in 2025.

    Have something to add? Let us know! Email us with any other thoughts about Philanos in 2024.

    Sandy Cook, Clare O’Brien, Ann Marie McGee 
    Philanos Co-Chairs

  • Monday, December 02, 2024 12:49 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    Philanos participated in seven CircleUps around the country for 2024 with more planned for 2025. Board members found themselves leading and presenting for CircleUps throughout the country and even more important - learning! 

    What is a CircleUp? 

    A CircleUp brings together those interested in collective giving for networking, sharing, learning and fun. Each attendee brings their passion and commitment to collective giving, regardless of whether they are a member of an existing circle, want to start one or simply want to learn more. Most importantly, is the recognition of the impact of collective giving on local communities. 

    2024 CircleUps came together in Denver, CO; Las Vegas, NV; Boise, ID; Reno, NV; Jackson, MS; Phoenix, AZ; and Nashville, TN.

    Our 2024 CircleUps reflected unique geographies and diverse memberships. Yet regardless of differences, the connector was the recognition of the power and impact of collective giving. The opportunity for every CircleUp attendee to learn and share with others combined with the celebration of collective giving impact provided indescribable energy and enthusiasm for each event. 

    Funded by a grant from the Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund, CircleUps were a collective effort by Philanos and our partners: Philanthropy Together, Grapevine and Community Investment Network. Additional support by local community foundations and local giving circles pulled it all together. Learning opportunities included presentations on member engagement, grantmaking and community leadership, in addition to inspirational stories from individuals and local nonprofits.

    As we plan for our 2025 CircleUps we are even more excited to be part of something bigger than all of us. We are truly stronger together - coming together to connect, learn and share for the future of collective giving.

    Learn more here

  • Monday, December 02, 2024 12:46 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    Monthly webinars are one of the ways Philanos brings information about new trends and best practices in philanthropy to our more than 100 affiliates and their members. 


    In 2024, Philanos hosted 8 webinars that looked at strategic planning, ways to recruit and retain a diverse membership, changing trends in membership models, personal philanthropy planning, and many more topics. Last month, webinar attendees heard from giving circles in Sonoma County, CA, and Washington, DC, about how they are adopting community-centric grantmaking practices.

    Webinars often feature speakers from Philanos Affiliates, sharing how giving circles around the country are managing issues that your own group may be confronting. Sometimes Philanos Board members headline the event, sharing their experiences and insights into national trends.

    WHAT’S NEXT IN 2025

    After a holiday break, we’ll resume our regular webinar series on Tuesday, February 11th, with special guest speaker Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee, a Seattle-based educator, diversity speaker, and promoter of empowering women and girls. 

    The Philanos Board has had the pleasure of working with Rosetta on building our capacity for “Courageous Conversations,” and we look forward to sharing her practical wisdom with all our affiliates in February. Invite your members to join us! Register Here


    Webinars are held via Zoom at noon ET on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, except December and months with a conference. During the session, attendees are invited to ask questions or share their group’s policies and practices on the topic at hand.

    If you miss a webinar, you can catch the recorded program later in the Philanos Affiliate Portal > Past Webinars. In addition to the video presentation, webinar slides are available online so you can see the important data presented by the speakers. In the summer, when you may have more time on your hands, we highlight the previous year’s webinars to our affiliates through Philanos U


    We’re so pleased that 434 Philanos affiliate members attended our live webinars in 2024, and more than 300 watched the recorded programs. We encourage everyone to look for our announcements about the webinars coming up in the New Year!

  • Monday, December 02, 2024 12:33 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    The Value of Philanos Affinity Groups:
    Empowering Collective Giving Through Connection and Knowledge

    Philanos Affinity Groups allow members to learn, collaborate, and share strategies for amplifying their impact. Each group focuses on a distinct aspect of a giving circle, from membership retention to communications and technology. These sessions provide insights and foster connections among affiliates, reinforcing the collective giving movement's strength and sustainability.

    Our Affinity Groups address the unique challenges that collective giving organizations face. They serve as an incubator for innovation, offering tools and ideas that affiliates can immediately implement. For instance, a Membership Roundtable discussion might explore best practices for retaining members, while a Tech Talk session could introduce cutting-edge tools for grants management. These groups enhance the operational efficiency of giving circles and strengthen the bonds among members, creating a supportive community dedicated to social impact.

    In 2024, Philanos’ 5 Affinity Groups demonstrated their broad reach and impact:

    • 11 Meetings Scheduled across Membership Roundtable, Comms Club, Tech Talk, Grantmakers, and Staff Chat sessions.
    • Registrants: Averaged over 40 participants per session, with peaks of up to 63 registrants.
    • Attendees: Sessions consistently attracted 13-41 attendees.
    • Recorded Views: High engagement continued post-session, with recordings drawing up to 76 additional views.
    • There were many takeaways from this year’s programs.

    Membership Roundtable:

    • Topics included onboarding, retention strategies, and listening to members through surveys and Zoom sessions.
    • Highlighted events like “Membertini” and “Meet & Mingle” bridged social engagement with grantee presentations. 
    Comms Club:
    • Explored blogging, photo management, and communication strategies for surveys and focus groups.
    • Emphasized integrating blogs into overall communication plans to enhance storytelling and visibility. 

    Tech Talk:

    • Provided guidance on tech tools for membership management, grant tracking, and artificial intelligence applications.
    • Topics like outgrowing website capabilities addressed critical operational pain points.


    • Getting the word out to nonprofits about grant opportunities
    • Assisting nonprofits with application
    • Streamlining the grant process for the nonprofits

     Staff Chat:

    • Current trending issues that are engaging members
    • The importance of staff only time to the organization's overall health, how to set that time aside
    • Ensuring DEI permeates daily work and overall organizational culture through events, grants, speakers, and more

    Philanos Affinity connects affiliates across the country through these sessions, enabling giving circles to grow, adapt, and make an even greater impact in their communities.

  • Sunday, November 10, 2024 7:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Remarks by Philanos Co-Chair Clare O'Brien at the CircleUp Phoenix event in October 2024:

    Good evening. My name is Clare O’Brien and I am from Cincinnati, OH.

    I am very excited to be back in Phoenix, which I consider my first true home.  As a child, I lived a few miles away and have wonderful memories of the kindness and generosity of this community.  I am delighted to come back and support that same spirit of giving tonight.

    I, along with Ann Marie McGee, serve as Co-Chairs of Philanos, which is a national network of over 100 women-led giving circles encompassing 20,000 members.  Over the past 15 years, we have built a trusted, supportive community which helps strengthen giving circles and empower members to be more confident philanthropists through education, peer sharing and relationship-building.

    We do that through a variety of offerings including:

    Monthly educational webinars – topics include the nuts and bolts of running a giving circle – such as member engagement or strategic planning, to emerging topics such as trust-based philanthropy or environmental justice.

    Affinity groups – these are a newer offering which have proven to be quite popular – we bring together 30-40 people in similar roles, whether that is Marketing, Membership or Grantmaking for lively, interactive discussions where you can seek advice on an issue you are grappling with or share a new innovation that has been very powerful.

    Our joyful, in-person conferences which are held every 18-24 months and bring together several hundred giving circle leaders. Our most recent one was in November 2023, held in Baltimore. It was a stimulating celebration of collective giving featuring a diverse lineup of inspiring plenary speakers, and actionable advice and dialogue in our breakout sessions. We were fortunate to have Tony Bowen and Amy Pirozzolo attend and present.

    One week prior to the conference, we were thrilled to receive a Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund grant, and are focused on attracting more attention and funding to underserved communities including:

    • National BIPOC populations – including Black, Asian, Latino and Indigenous – does that sound like Arizona?!
    • Geographic focus on the 16 priority states which receive 1/3 philanthropic dollars per capita as the coasts, of which AZ is one

    In tandem, we are working to move more dollars to smaller, grassroots organizations that are close to the communities served because these leaders know what their people need and equally important, trust and believe in them. 

    Tonight, we have a very special announcement which is that the Arizona Community Foundation’s women’s and co-ed giving circles will be joining Philanos! 

    Welcome! I can’t wait to see what we do together.  We look forward to collaborating with and learning alongside you.

  • Thursday, October 31, 2024 11:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Philanos hosts a variety of virtual events throughout the year for you - our affiliates.

    Our monthly Webinars, Affinity Group gatherings, and CircleUps provide opportunities to bring together women from Philanos Affiliates across the country to network, learn, share, and connect about topics that support your important work. Your Philanos membership includes these ongoing opportunities for you AND all members of your giving circle and we encourage you to forward this information regularly to your members so you can take full advantage of your Philanos membership.

    Thank you for being a part of our growing women's collective giving network - we truly are stronger together. Register today for an upcoming meeting and we'll see you soon!

    Upcoming Philanos Events

    In Case You Missed It

    Recently Recorded Events:

    Was this email forwarded to you? Subscribe to gain access to all Philanos Affiliate benefits. 

  • Thursday, October 31, 2024 6:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is an open call for Philanos Board and Committee volunteers! 

    • Participating provides excellent opportunities for networking and utilizing your leadership skills. 

    Please consider joining the virtual team here at Philanos!

    • Your community is better because of your Affiliate. And your Affiliate is stronger and more successful because of YOU.
    • Your membership and volunteer leadership are why your organization has grown and improved. This is also true of Philanos.
    • Our volunteer leaders and committee members embody our mission and believe when we succeed, our affiliates thrive. 
    • And, Philanos is at its best when it reflects the diverse voices of women committed to collaborating with others nationally to further the collective giving movement.

    We need people with experience in each of these areas:

    • Communications
    • Development & Fundraising
    • Technology
    • Finance
    • Education
    • Governance
    • Membership Recruitment
    • Retention & Engagement
    • Strategic Planning

    Apply to join the Philanos board or a committee here:

    Application deadline: Monday, February 3, 2025

    Philanos committees are a great way to get involved!

    • Do you have an interest and a passion for Education?
    • Or do you have some great ideas about fundraising and sponsorships?
    • Maybe you love to write?
    • We’d love to hear from you!

    Philanos committees:

    • The Affiliate Engagement Committee is responsible for welcoming prospective new member organizations, registration and orientation of new affiliate organizations, and managing the stewardship of current affiliates.
    • The Communications Committee develops and implements public relations and communication plans to support the mission of the Network.
    • The Development Committee will focus on the external connections with the philanthropic community including prospective funders and potential new affiliates.
    • The Education Committee is responsible for determining educational themes, which are woven through conferences and customized programs.
    • The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and overseeing the creation of accurate, complete, timely, and meaningful financial statements to be presented to the Board.
    • The Technology Committee ensures that the Philanos’ technology programs support the business objectives, affiliates, and strategies, and provide for appropriate data security and data privacy.

    Need more information?

    Maybe you know someone in your organization who would be a great resource for us?

    • If you wish to refer a good candidate for the Board of Directors or Governance Committee, or any of our committees please send her name, giving circle affiliate, phone number, and email to Maureen Romito, Governance Committee Chair.
    • She will ensure that one of our Nominating Committee members connects personally with your referral.

    Do you have questions about the application? Or, do you need to talk with someone before deciding if this is right for you?

    • We’re happy to visit with you to talk about Philanos and these opportunities. Email your request to Maureen Romito, Governance Committee.

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