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  • Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    “PowerUP! Baltimore: The Spark Igniting Collaboration” is Philanos’ National Conference to be held November 5-7, 2023 for visionaries who believe in the power of women’s collective giving to create impact in local communities. 

    Conference Overview
    • As the largest network of women’s collective giving groups, Philanos represents over 90 giving circles whose 20,000+ members have cumulatively granted $207 million in their local communities. 
    • Regional giving circles and networks of philanthropic organizations have joined forces with Philanos to collaboratively host this conference at the Four Seasons in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.
    • Attendees will be a national audience of more than 400 giving circle leaders and members, philanthropic advisors, and practitioners of trust-based and intentional philanthropy.
    • Our speakers and 20 breakout sessions in four specific topic tracks under the theme of “collaboration” will address the power of collaborative grantmaking, best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving, and trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.

    Conference Registration 
    • $595: Early Bird Pricing, for Philanos Affiliates, members of MD Philanthropy Network, and members of DMV Collective Giving Network 
    • $750: Non-Early Bird, for Philanos Affiliates, members of MD Philanthropy Network, and members of DMV Collective Giving Network 
    • $850: Non-Member

    Please Join Us! REGISTER HERE - Early Bird Pricing Ends June 30!

    Conference Hosts:

    The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County, MD is honored to co-host with:
    "We are PoweringUP! to welcome you to Baltimore November 5-7, 2023. What will Spark your interest at the conference - a talk, an idea, a conversation over dinner? The opportunities to network and learn from circle members will be plentiful. So join us in November to meet with, learn from and ignite friendships with women from across the country!" Ann Daniels, Baltimore Women's Giving Circle

    Calling all Volunteers!

    Are you interested in volunteering at the conference? Learn about the fun, non-taxing and meaningful ways you can spend time supporting the conference and meeting others here. See you in Baltimore!

    Philanos Conference Chairs
    • Susan Benford, Philanos Chair
    • Maggie Glasgow, Philanos Co-Chair Elect
    • Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Philanos Communications Co-Chair

  • Tuesday, April 11, 2023 5:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sneak Preview at the PowerUP! Baltimore National Conference
    Tuesday, May 9, 12 PM ET

    “PowerUP! Baltimore: The Spark Igniting Collaboration” is Philanos’ National Conference to be held November 5-7, 2023 for visionaries who believe in the power of women’s collective giving to create impact in local communities. 

    Bring your leadership to this webinar for a preview of the Conference agenda, logistics, and programming, including the 20 planned breakout sessions.  Topics will be relevant for circles of all ages and sizes, and will address best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving as well as trends that affect philanthropic initiatives. 

    After this session, we know you will want to come to Baltimore and see how "PowerUP! The Spark Igniting Collaboration" will enhance your collective giving group and your individual giving experience. 

    “We are PoweringUp! to welcome you to Baltimore November 5-7, 2023. What will Spark your interest at the conference – a talk, an idea, a conversation over dinner? The opportunities to network and learn from circle members will be plentiful. So join us in November to meet with, learn from and ignite friendships with women from across the country!” - Ann Daniels, Baltimore Women's Giving Circle


    • Susan Benford, Philanos Chair, PowerUP! Steering Committee
    • Maggie Glasgow, Philanos Chair-elect, PowerUP! Steering Committee
    • Sandy Cook, Philanos Affiliate Engagement Co-chair, PowerUP! Programming Committee
    • Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Philanos Communications Co-chair, PowerUP! Steering Committee and Executive Director of The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County, one of our conference co-hosts


  • Tuesday, April 11, 2023 5:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 5-7, 2023
    The Four Seasons Baltimore
    Early Bird Registration Opens May 1, 2023

    • $595: Early Bird Pricing for Philanos Affiliates
    • $750: Non-Early Bird for Philanos Affiliates
    • $850: Non-Member


    “PowerUP! Baltimore: The Spark Igniting Collaboration” is Philanos’ national Conference for visionaries who believe in the power of women’s collective giving to create impact in local communities. Regional giving circles and networks of philanthropic organizations have joined forces to collaboratively host this event. Breakout sessions will address best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving as well as trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.

    Learn more and plan to join us!

  • Saturday, April 01, 2023 5:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April Webinar 
    Syncing Personal Values With Your Philanthropy

    Our April webinar begins with a brief Philanos annual meeting including the announcement of our newly elected board members.

    Webinar details:

    We know every dollar we give makes an impact, but have you ever thought about the impact each dollar you invest makes? Learn how to develop an investment strategy that achieves your goals while aligning your money with your values.

    Emily Green, Director of Private Wealth, at Ellevest, a women-first financial company offering a mission-driven investing platform, will discuss how you can work with your advisor regarding your personal assets. Hear ideas for motivating endowments you currently support to consider using their investments to support issues that may be personally important to you such as gender inequality, racial injustice, and climate change.

    Webinar Date/Time: Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 12 PM ET
    Please Register by Sunday, April 9!

    Your unique link to join this webinar is emailed separately.

  • Friday, February 03, 2023 8:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you curious what your nonprofit partners really think? Do you want to be more responsive to the community’s needs and desires in your grantmaking? Do you want to be a better partner?

    Join us to share the love on February 14 when we are joined by Linda Simmons from Women’s Giving Alliance of Northeast Florida and Patricia Massey Hoke of Women’s Impact Fund (Charlotte) to discuss soliciting and responding to nonprofit feedback. This is a best practice of Trust-Based Philanthropy and there isn’t just one way to do it! Linda and Patricia will engage in a Q&A style discussion with each other to share the ways their approaches to feedback are alike and different. You will leave with some practical next steps you could consider for your giving circle. See you there!


    Patricia Massey Hoke, Women's Impact Fund (Charlotte)

    Linda Simmons, Women's Giving Alliance of Northeast Florida

    Webinar Date/Time: Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 12 PM ET
    Please Register by Sunday, February 12!

    Your unique link to join this webinar is emailed separately.

  • Friday, January 20, 2023 8:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Philanos Opens Nominations for National Positions!

     Board of Directors Application  3-year term (from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026)

    Experience needed in these areas:Communications, Development, Fundraising, Membership, Technology, Webinar Creation

    Click here for committee descriptions and Board member criteria

    Governance Committee Member At-Large Application  1-year term (from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024)

    Experience needed in these areas:Board-level Governance, Nominations, Strategic Planning

    Application deadline:  Friday, February 3, 2023

    As a member of the national Philanos team, you have opportunity to:

    • Create and amplify quality initiatives and solutions for affiliates across the globe;
    • Change the narrative of an area of collective giving through your expertise and passion;
    • Collaborate with women with diverse experiences and perspectives;
    • Gain Confidence and be nurtured in your philanthropic leadership journey;
    • Connect to women from across the network who are equally as committed to women’s collective giving; and
    • Celebrate the joy of new friendships and fresh ways of thinking!

    We believe Philanos’ efforts to inspire women’s philanthropy and strengthen organizations for impactful grantmaking are best when inclusive of women with a range of skills and diversity of thought and experience. Together, we are impacting communities for the better!

    If you wish to refer a good candidate for the Board of Directors or Governance Committee, send her name, giving circle affiliate, phone number, and email to Paula Perkins, Governance Committee Chair. She will ensure that one of our Nominating Committee members connects personally with your referral.  

    Do you have questions about the application? Or, do you need to talk with someone before deciding if this is right for you? We’re happy to visit with you to talk about Philanos and these opportunities. Email your request to Paula Perkins, Governance Committee Chair.

    Throughout the year, we are seeking women who want to join one of our committees. Just raise your hand! It’s an excellent way to see how Philanos works, especially if you’re interested in joining the Board in the future.  

    Check out the following committee descriptions and then email listed contacts to voice your interests and/or for questions.

    Affiliate Engagement Committee
    Communications Committee
    Development Committee
    Education Committee
    Technology Committee

    We look forward to hearing from all nominees!

    Many thanks,
    Philanos Governance Committee 

  • Friday, January 13, 2023 8:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We have spent the last 18 months speaking with numerous Philanos Affiliates through our "3 Questions With" series, and getting their thoughts on the work they are doing, including asking them 3 specific questions:  1) What’s the most interesting effort your circle is focusing on right now? 2) What is something your circle is currently challenged by? and 3) What Philanos resource has been most helpful to you this year, and why?

    Take a look at the good work happening in the Philanos network around the country!

  • Monday, January 02, 2023 8:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We welcome 2023 and all our chances to do better. We are especially cheered by the opportunity to meet in Baltimore on November 5-7, for our first national in-person conference since 2020 in Seattle. Early bird registration will open May 1 – watch for our upcoming communications.

    The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County is our main host, along with an impressive regional contingent of co-hosts, including Anne Arundel Women Giving Together, Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle, DMV Collective Giving Network, Giving Together Montgomery County, Many Hands DC, Maryland Philanthropy Network, and Women’s Giving Circle of Harford County.

    Multiple committees have planning underway, looking for inspiring speakers and shared wisdom. We are keen to highlight knowledge gained through collaboration, networks, and programs featuring our affiliates. If you would like to join our program committee, please hop on now, as we get busy building session ideas to populate our breakout tracks.

    And speaking of hopping – we have multiple Philanos programs coming up in January and February, beginning with next week’s webinar, Tuesday, Jan. 10 at Noon Eastern, featuring leadership succession models that work, presented by Greenville Women Giving (Greenville, SC) and ninety-nine girlfriends (Portland, OR). Register here.

    On Thursday, January 26th at Noon Eastern, our popular Comms Club will continue its deep dive into social media featuring LinkedIn, use of metrics, and member engagement tools. Marketing and communications teams will find these open discussions useful. Register here.

    And, on February 9th at Noon Eastern, we will start the first in a series of Tech Talks, headed by our Philanos Board Technology Chair, Amy Conard, Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund. Amy is retired from a successful corporate career in Information Technology, and now consults with nonprofits to help them be more efficient and effective by leveraging software. So, if you have technology questions related to your work, bring them here for a smart place to discuss. Register here.

    Looking ahead to Valentine’s Day, our webinar for February features techniques and wisdom behind gathering and responding to feedback from our nonprofit partners—a real-life valentine message. Register here.

    Finally, January is also the month when we turn to recruiting new Philanos board and committee members. The work is always exciting, the company is exceptional, and there is not a better time or place to take a chance to get it right in all our communities through the power of collective giving. Please consider this opportunity for yourself or someone who might need a nudge. 

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2022 4:54 AM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

    Our 3-hour event focused on trust-based philanthropy and included presentations by national speakers Pia InfanteKaci PattersonPhilanos Board member, Deepika Andavarapu, facilitated a discussion with Q&A followed by Philanos Spotlight and Willoughby Awards. Watch the presentations and Q&A video recording.

    Congratulations to our Spotlight Award Winners: (video recording)

    Baltimore Women's Giving Circle - Black Women Build Baltimore

    Impact Oklahoma, Oklahoma City - Pivot's Tiny Home Initiative

    Spirit of St. Louis Women's Fund - Dream Builders 4 Equity

    "Philanos affiliates reach deep into their respective communities to address national pressing issues with local solutions. Our 2022 Spotlight nominations by Philanos affiliates throughout the country each highlighted the pressing needs of foster youth, families, and single parents to have a safe place to live and to build economic security.” Ellan Bernstein, Philanos 2022 Spotlight Chair and Board Secretary, Member, Impact 100 Philadelphia.

    Congratulations to our Willoughby Award Winner: (video recording)

    Katherine Fulton - Impact100 Sonoma

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© 2014-2025 Philanos is the leading national women's giving circle network.  All rights reserved.
Philanos is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #46-3953482.  Privacy Policy

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