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PowerUP! Baltimore Conference Early Bird Registration Ends June 30!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
“PowerUP! Baltimore: The Spark Igniting Collaboration” is Philanos’ National Conference to be held November 5-7, 2023 for visionaries who believe in the power of women’s collective giving to create impact in local communities. 

Conference Overview
  • As the largest network of women’s collective giving groups, Philanos represents over 90 giving circles whose 20,000+ members have cumulatively granted $207 million in their local communities. 
  • Regional giving circles and networks of philanthropic organizations have joined forces with Philanos to collaboratively host this conference at the Four Seasons in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.
  • Attendees will be a national audience of more than 400 giving circle leaders and members, philanthropic advisors, and practitioners of trust-based and intentional philanthropy.
  • Our speakers and 20 breakout sessions in four specific topic tracks under the theme of “collaboration” will address the power of collaborative grantmaking, best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving, and trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.

Conference Registration 
  • $595: Early Bird Pricing, for Philanos Affiliates, members of MD Philanthropy Network, and members of DMV Collective Giving Network 
  • $750: Non-Early Bird, for Philanos Affiliates, members of MD Philanthropy Network, and members of DMV Collective Giving Network 
  • $850: Non-Member

Please Join Us! REGISTER HERE - Early Bird Pricing Ends June 30!

Conference Hosts:

The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County, MD is honored to co-host with:
"We are PoweringUP! to welcome you to Baltimore November 5-7, 2023. What will Spark your interest at the conference - a talk, an idea, a conversation over dinner? The opportunities to network and learn from circle members will be plentiful. So join us in November to meet with, learn from and ignite friendships with women from across the country!" Ann Daniels, Baltimore Women's Giving Circle

Calling all Volunteers!

Are you interested in volunteering at the conference? Learn about the fun, non-taxing and meaningful ways you can spend time supporting the conference and meeting others here. See you in Baltimore!

Philanos Conference Chairs
  • Susan Benford, Philanos Chair
  • Maggie Glasgow, Philanos Co-Chair Elect
  • Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Philanos Communications Co-Chair

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