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Philanos Willoughby and Spotlight Awards - Nominate Today!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

PowerUP! Baltimore Awards

The Willoughby Award

The Willoughby Award honors visionary women leaders in philanthropy who, like Colleen S. Willoughby, have taken the field in exciting, new directions. 

Philanos will present this award at the PowerUP! Baltimore National Conference November 5-7, 2023 to a woman whose experience and affiliation with her collective giving organization has empowered her to become a visionary leader among women in philanthropy. The award focuses on the leadership aspect of collective giving and honors Colleen Willoughby's legacy as a visionary leader in philanthropy including her history as a founder of Philanos and the Washington Women's Foundation. 

2023 Willoughby Award nomination details 

Learn more about the history of the Willoughby Award, and Colleen Willoughby's visionary leadership, and past award winners here.

Spotlight Awards

Throughout the country and beyond, Philanos affiliates are practicing high impact transformational grantmaking. Philanos celebrates these efforts by highlighting our affiliates’ grantmaking through the Spotlight Awards. Three Spotlight Awards will be presented at the PowerUP! Baltimore National Conference, November 5-7, 2023. 

The Spotlight awards are a vital way for Philanos to recognize the grants that have transformed an affiliate or the nonprofit organization that received the grant and/or their community (demonstrate the change that is a result of investments in our community nonprofits). The three awardees will be recognized at the PowerUP! Baltimore 2023 conference and will be featured in Philanos media.  

All Philanos Affiliates are invited to nominate one of their grantees. Applications must by submitted by August 1, 2023. 

2023 Spotlight Awards nomination details 

View past award recipients here.

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