Philanos promotes the global initiative for the collective giving movement through Philanthropy Together.
Philanos is proud to be one of five networks, along with Amplifier, Asian Women Giving Circle, Community Investment Network, and Latino Community Foundation, that founded Philanthropy Together (PhT) in April 2020. Its goals are to:
- expand the number of global giving groups to 3,000 (from an estimated 2,000);
- involve 350,000 individuals (from 150,000 currently); and
- foster $1 billion of collectively made grants within 5 years.
PhT’s global initiatives will bolster all networks like Philanos as well as individual giving circles. So what does PhT do and how is it different from Philanos?
Philanthropy Together intends to democratize and diversify philanthropy around the world by incubating giving circles and supporting existing ones. It has four strategic, global focus areas:
- Showcase: Expand awareness about giving circles (listen to PhT’s Executive Director, Sara Lomelin, discuss “What Big Philanthropy Can Learn From Giving Circles”)
- Scale: Strategically grow circles and circle membership (learn about Launchpad, the giving circle incubator that provides 5 weeks of virtual training for those who wish to start a giving circle and Launchpad for Hosts for those, like community foundations, interested in hosting one);
- Strengthen: Build capacity, leadership, and knowledge sharing (discover the “Community Calendar” in which giving circles can share their virtual events and learn of others, and watch for the first global giving circle directory in early 2021); and
- Sustain: Support ongoing vibrancy and effectiveness of the field.
One way PhT will promote sustainability and vibrancy is through its “We Give Summit” throughout the month of May 2021. The purpose of this celebration of collective giving is elevating the movement and spawning collaborations across networks and giving groups. If you have ideas for breakout sessions around perennial topics of interest like member retention, strategic planning and Board development, please send them to
Because Philanos had to cancel its planned PowerUP! in-person event for September 2021, we will be active presenters (and attendees) in the “We Give Summit”. Plan on joining us!
Also, PhT is creating an international, searchable directory of giving circles. Each profile will cover the basics about each giving group: its mission, issue focus area, membership, dollars raised and invested, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to raise the visibility (and impact) of your group and giving circles in general.
Join Philanthropy Together on January 28 at 4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern as giving groups around the world complete their profiles together and meet each other for the first time. Please register here, which also puts you in the running to win:
- $1,000 for your giving group;
- A specialized media kit for your giving circle and a 45 minute consultation about your social media strategy; and
- Swag bags from PhT and Grapevine, a Philanos sponsor and the platform on which the directory is being constructed.
If you’ve questions about the directory or the profile party, contact PhT’s Director of Engagement, Tyeshia Wilson ( or Philanos Chair Paula Liang (
See you there!