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Philanos to Promote Affiliates in Global Giving Circle Directory

Sunday, July 14, 2024 6:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Philanos to Promote Affiliates in Global Giving Circle Directory

Heads up to all Philanos Affiliate Leaders and Bundle Coordinators. Watch for an important email on July 8th.

Philanos and Grapevine are partnering to include all of our Philanos Affiliates in the Global Giving Circle Directory, a directory of 4000 giving circles. This Directory has a prominent placement on many popular philanthropy sites, including Grapevine, Philanthropy Together, Charity Navigator and Giving Compass.

Why is this important to you as a Philanos Affiliate?

Affiliates will enjoy greater visibility thereby increasing contacts with individuals who are interested in joining a giving circle. In addition, nonprofits seeking grants can find local giving circles.

Each affiliate’s listing will be consistent, and provide key information such as location, size, focus, website links and more. This data helps us accurately represent what Philanos Affiliates are doing!

Philanos will begin updating this information using data already collected from our annual update process, which will save Philanos Affiliates time and effort and most importantly, ensure full and accurate representation.

Thank you in advance for your support! Watch for the email. Questions? Email Mary Kwak

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