Philanos Affinity Group Snapshot:
- Philanos offers affiliates opportunities to connect with each other through our five Affinity Groups.
- Our Affinity Groups are for members, by members.
- These are for all women engaged in giving circles - leaders and those new to giving circles.
- We encourage all affiliates to share information and registration details for upcoming Philanos Affinity Group meetings with their members.
5 Affinity Groups for Philanos Affiliates
- Philanos Affiliate Comms Club- Comms Club meets the 4th Tuesday of every other month. Join the conversation when we discuss issues and ideas for strengthening communications in your giving circle.
- Coming Soon! Philanos Affiliate Grantmaking Group - Grantmaking Group plans to meet regularly in the coming year. Join us to learn and share together about all things grants.
- Philanos Affiliate Tech Talk- Tech Talk meets the 3rd Thursday of every other month. Come share your questions and ideas about software and tech platforms for your giving circle.
- Philanos Affiliate Membership Roundtable- Membership Roundtable meets the 3rd Tuesday of every other month. Participate in this forum to discuss issues concerning membership in your giving circle.
- Philanos Affiliate A Table for Chairs- a confidential forum for affiliate giving circle chairs to share ideas and expertise with leadership challenges.
5 Reasons to Attend Philanos Affinity Groups:
- Grow Your Leadership Pipeline Encourage all your members to attend. Affinity Groups are not for current leaders only. New members, long-standing members, members of committees and members interested in the women’s collective giving movement - all benefit from learning about the challenges and successes of other circles.
- Your Circle is not Alone Learn how other circles face the challenges you are confronting. Ask your questions in an informal setting. Curious how other circles recruit and retain members? Interested in the software other circles use for grants? Maybe you have a question about the best ways to communicate with your members. Affinity Groups are the perfect forum for these topics and more.
- Stop Reinventing The Wheel Save your energy and borrow from what other circles have already done successfully. Maybe it’s a strategic plan. Or, maybe it’s an anniversary celebration. Ask your questions! Affinity Groups allow you to learn how other circles have done it and even give you a roadmap to get there.
- Expand Your Reach Hear what other circles are doing to engage their members, connect with their local communities and celebrate their successes. Learn about website design. Hear how circles find support from local businesses. Find out how circles are going beyond the check.
- Make Priceless Connections Meet other philanthropic women making impacts in their local communities. Then, keep the connection alive by staying in touch after the session. And, meet in person at the next Philanos Conference!
Join Us!
- Affinity Groups meet via Zoom for one hour from 12:00 Noon (ET) until 1:00 PM (ET).
- Registration is required and is available via email sent to affiliates and on the Philanos website.
- A Table for Chairs is a closed group and provides a forum for affiliate giving circle co-chairs to exchange ideas and expertise concerning leadership challenges.
- All other Affinity Groups are open to affiliate members.