Eliza Rossman of ALLINBKLYN
ALLINBKLYN is a community of women committed to philanthropy in Brooklyn. We pool our dollars and make thoughtful grants to organizations that are strengthening our borough. All nonprofits in service to the people and places of Brooklyn are eligible for consideration.
We recently spoke to Eliza and invited her thoughts on their current efforts!
What’s the most interesting effort your circle is focusing on right now?
We're always working on something interesting... But right now the effort that has my attention in particular is our focus on creating a viable infrastructure so that Allinbklyn can continue to work in service to Brooklyn way into the future! That means engaging as many members as possible to make the engine run - so far so good!
What is something your circle is currently challenged by?
A constant challenge for us is figuring out the best way to meet the vast need in Brooklyn with our limited funds. We are always challenged to determine how best to direct our dollars for the greatest impact. This borough is the fourth largest "city" in the country and only receives 5% of all philanthropic dollars raised in New York. Meeting that challenge realistically, given who we are and how we operate, is top of mind.
What Philanos resource has been most helpful to you this year, and why?
In past years, the Philanos conferences and virtual meetings have been very helpful. This year, given all the internal work we're doing to solidify our infrastructure, Philanos has been an especially helpful and practical resource for us. For instance, when we needed information on databases, they connected us to giving circles that could answer our specific questions. This saved us valuable research time enabling us to get solid information quickly.