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3 Questions With Kelly Walsh Impact100 Metro Detroit

Thursday, October 14, 2021 2:12 PM | Nancy Clark (Administrator)

Kelly Walsh of Impact 100 Metro Detroit

Impact100 Metro Detroit's mission is to fuel transformation in Metro Detroit by uniting women through collective giving to support local nonprofit heroes and award high impact grants.

We recently spoke to Kelly Walsh, President of Impact100 Metro Detroit and invited her thoughts on their current efforts!

What’s the most interesting effort your circle is focusing on right now?

We're taking a strategic look at our calendar - moving the grant application window earlier to allow for more committee review. Our board is also discussing a shift of membership calendar to be aligned with our "Big Give" award event. (Our membership currently closes Dec. 31st with the award event late May. The shift would consider membership closing in April with the event in May).

What is something your circle is currently challenged by?

Brand building and communication - we're constantly working to find the right communication cadence for both members and prospects. There are 3 Impact groups in our region - which is awesome, but can be a challenge for women to understand the differentiators of each group.

What Philanos resource has been most helpful to you this year, and why?

We're new to Philanos, but have found the online resources and the connection to a large network of like-minded organizations to be wonderful.

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