Maureen Romito, Impact Las Vegas
Impact Las Vegas empowers women by giving collectively in a way that positively transforms our community.
We recently spoke to Maureen Romito, Founder and Executive Director of Impact Las Vegas and invited her thoughts on their current efforts!
What’s the most interesting effort your circle is focusing on right now?
As an organization, we have primarily operated with a very limited number of volunteers. As Founder, I have been guilty of doing many administrative and operational tasks myself rather than encouraging volunteers. This is changing, however so I have been documenting processes and cross-training board members, but this shift is causing us to focus more on volunteering than we have ever done in the past.
What is something your circle is currently challenged by?
It has been difficult to communicate the reality of this change and for our Membership to understand exactly what it means. Even the board, despite numerous discussions, strategizing, and planning meetings has been slow to realize that the change is happening. Encouraging a larger group of volunteers than we have ever had to do in the past is currently our biggest challenge.
What Philanos resource has been most helpful to you this year, and why?
- Philanos website – our board is learning what an educational resource it is.
- Webinars – incredibly valuable! The perspective of multiple collective giving groups and the sharing of best practices has helped us operationally.
- Member-to-Member Forum (I’ve currently got a question posed there!) Plus past questions are a great resource for information.