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Member Affiliate Profile Form

All new member organizations are required to fill out a profile and update it annually.

This critical information helps our Network as we inspire women to build and grow collective giving organizations in their own communities.  The information you provide makes the case for our growing collective giving movement by giving us data about our impact.  We know organizations use this data when researching strategic initiatives like creating endowments, restructuring governance or developing a sustainable financial model. 

We know that together we're bigger, better, and more impactful. 

In 2013 our 33 member organizations granted $8 million to carefully selected nonprofits throughout the nation and this has grown today to more than 75 members, more than $140 million in grants since inception from more than 17,500 women.  We know this and much more about the power of our member organizations' effort and impact because of your annual updates.  Information about individual organizations is shared only within our membership.  

Your annual updates prove the collective giving movement's growth and power!

Updates can be done via the member portal, selecting Affiliate Profiles and following the instructions for updating the data in your organization's profile.  Updates are usually done by your lead contact for Philanos or your organization's ambassador to Philanos (aka the "bundle Administrator").

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© 2014-2024 Philanos is the leading national women's giving circle network.  All rights reserved.
Philanos is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #46-3953482.  Privacy Policy

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