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Save the Date! PowerUP! Texas Philanos National Conference in Austin, February 2026

Thursday, February 06, 2025 6:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We are looking forward to our upcoming 2026 Philanos National Conference - PowerUP! Texas in Austin

With more than 300 women attending, representing circles throughout the country - we'll be sharing best practices for advocacy, sponsorships, membership recruitment, member engagement, grant making and so much more. 

We'll "See You in Austin"!

- Sandy Cook, Clare O'Brien, and Ann Marie McGee, PowerUP! Texas National Conference Co-Chairs

Conference Overview

“PowerUP! Texas: The Spark Igniting Collaboration” is Philanos’ 3-day national Conference for visionary leaders in women's collective giving who believe in the power of women’s collective giving to create impact in local communities.

  • As the largest network of women’s collective giving groups, Philanos represents over 105 giving circles whose 21,500+ members have cumulatively granted $253 million in their local communities. 
  • Attendees will be a national audience of more than 300 giving circle leaders and members, philanthropic advisors, and practitioners of trust-based and intentional philanthropy.
  • Regional giving circles and networks of philanthropic organizations will join forces to host this event with the theme of “collaboration”.

Conference Sponsors

  • It takes a special individual, business, or organization to understand the value of investing in the national women's collective giving movement by sponsoring the Philanos PowerUP! Texas 2026 National Conference. Interested in sponsoring the conference? Contact us!

Conference Agenda

  • Breakout sessions will address best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving as well as trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.
  • Our speakers will address the power of collaborative grantmaking, best practices for innovative, inspiring, and inclusive collective giving, and trends that affect philanthropic initiatives.

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