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COVID-19 Discussions

A new “Public” discussion forum available to philanthropists or organizations seeking ideas and support on how to effectively address the COVID-19  global crisis. 

Due to persistent spam posts, we have modified our forum to only allow the public to read these discussions.  Affiliate members, please login to comment and create new topics.  We welcome hearing from the nonprofit community through our affiliates. Philanos is not a grant making organization, however all our affiliates make grants to their communities. 

Disclaimer: Philanos reserves the right to delete inappropriate content.

Our member to member forum is still available for standard operational and support questions, here.

Select "subscribe", next to the Create Topic button below to receive notice of new posts or replies.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

Given the current global crisis, and following our conference that addressed a challenging theme, it’s clear that our network provides solidarity of purpose for our affiliates. Except for bi-annual conferences, our steady-state is to connect virtually, and it is our mission to support the practice of mentoring each other when we need advice, tools, information, and resolve for handling tough problems. We hope Philanos can be an effective vehicle for our affiliates to respond to this crisis in collaborative, adaptive, and innovative ways, as well as continue to advance the equity and inclusion work we embarked on in Seattle at PowerUP! 2020.

Details in our blog post below


Google Meet (formerly Hangouts)

Zoho Meetings

Cisco Webex

Microsoft Teams

GoToMeeting - tools for working remotely

Dropbox Premium

Higher Logic - virtual tools 

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© 2014-2025 Philanos is the leading national women's giving circle network.  All rights reserved.
Philanos is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #46-3953482.  Privacy Policy

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